Gas Stations / Charging Stations


Dedicated Customer Teams & Agile Services

Understand importance approaching work integrally and believe in power of simple communication.
Gas stations are in a prime position to capitalize on the growing demand for electric vehicle (EV) charging stations. By installing EV chargers, gas stations can attract new customers who drive EVs and improve their environmental impact. This is important because businesses are facing increasing pressure to reduce their carbon footprint. Many gas stations already have the infrastructure in place to install EV chargers, making it a relatively easy and cost-effective investment.
In other words, gas stations can win-win by installing EV chargers. They can attract new customers, improve their environmental impact, and do so with a relatively small investment
We provide professional maintenance and spares management package which is designed to support essential fueling operations and includes around the clock technical support in local languages, one-hour response, same-day dispatch and 24-hour resolution commitments as well as parts coverage.

Besides, fleet software keeps vehicles charged and ready with optimized fueling through dynamic depot charging optimization, comprehensive take-home vehicle charging management.

Key Benifits

We’ve been helping cities, utilities, automakers, EVSE suppliers and commercial businesses take advantage of clean energy benefits that smart charging infrastructure affords. Our solutions deliver savings to drivers, businesses and grid operators.
The charging station’s password (WiFi password) is provided in the configuration sheet that was supplied with Charge Amps Halo.
The charging station’s password (WiFi password) is provided in the configuration sheet that was supplied with Charge Amps Halo.
The charging station’s password (WiFi password) is provided in the configuration sheet that was supplied with Charge Amps Halo.
More Than 1500 Charging Stations & Growing Big!!

Reliable Solutions For All EV Charging Programs!

At no cost to our partners, our stations attracts new and repeat customers who are able to fast ch+arge their vehicles up to 90% in just 25 minutes, the time it takes to grocery shop!
After more than a decade and millions of charges delivered, we’re still pioneering new ways to make electric mobility the easy choice.